Episode 20 – The Open Model-Based Engineering Environment (OpenMBEE) with Chris Delp from Nasa JPL

Broadcast date: January 28th, 2022, 19:00 CET – Language: English

The first episode of 2022 is part of our MBSE tool series and starts right away with a hot topic: “Connected engineering information for a connected world” – that’s the claim of the OpenMBEE platform. Their promise sounds like a dream for every (system) engineer: “It enables engineers to work in the language of their choice and easily share and document their work across other tools.”. So, let’s have a look at how to make the engineers dream true.

Our guest is Chris Delp, group supervisor at NASA JPL, and one of the masterminds behind OpenMBEE. We’ll ask Chris all about OpenMBEE: how it started, who’s behind it, how it works, what’s planned for the future, how to try it out, and many more. We will talk about which organizations and projects are already using OpenMBEE and what is needed to implement OpenMBEE in a project.

You can join us live, at the Youtube Livestream on January 28th, 2022, at 19:00 CET or later on YoutubeSpotifyiTunesAmazon Music, or Google Podcasts.

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